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Major Renovations
The before and after images of this major renovation will leave you speechless! Our client originally completed a minor renovation on the existing property, updating the look and feel of all the bedrooms, but stopping in the perfect place. This allowed us split the project in half and develop a one of a kind concept.
• Divided: Two thermal mass walls divide the "existing" and "proposed" works whilst orientating the project around the solar paths.
• Texture: As our client is heavily involved in the concrete and rendering industry, we designed the home with rendered brick in mind, but not the boring render you would expected.
• Innovative: The brief was short, "no project homes, nothing like anyone has seen here". When we provided the first sketch we were cautious as it was truly unlike anything before, which is exactly why the client has fallen in love with the design.
• STATUS: Currently with Council for Approval
• ETC: 2028
Designed by: David Tomic
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